Collaboration is the Best Way to Get Things Done

These days, collaboration is in vogue. Startups and small businesses are increasingly relying on employees from across the world who collaborate with each other virtually to accomplish the tasks expertly and in a cost-effective manner. With Gen Z increasingly succeeding the Millennials in the workplace, the organizations are introducing their new employees to ground-breaking collaboration technologies to increase their productivity levels.
Source: Wikimedia
A Stanford study suggested you tend to stick longer to your work and feel ready to take on more challenges, when you are working as a team.
Generation Alpha (the generation after Gen Z) is already using collaborative technologies to find experts who can help them solve problems. Online assignment help is one way how school and college students are using these collaboration technologies. Whether they are looking for help with their Math homework at primary and secondary school levels or accounting assignment help at high school level or law dissertation help at the university level, they simply log on to popular virtual platforms with relevant experts and take their assistance in understanding and solving the tasks assigned to them by their teachers.
Naturally, by the time these students are ready to join the workforce, they’ll already know how to use their collaboration with global experts to increase the quantity and quality of their productivity.
Here are some of the latest trends in the space of collaboration technologies that might interest you:

Flexible and Dynamic Workspaces Replacing Traditional Boardrooms

Today, employees of a company working on a single project may be dispersed in different locations across the globe. They need the right tools and the right information to be able to take complex business decisions quickly. The visual collaboration solutions available these days allow them to interact with data and information in a more engaging and immersive manner.
The key data is relayed to each of the participants of a meeting through a shared platform instantly which allows all the stakeholders to take the instant business decisions in an informed manner.
Huddle rooms, which are small to medium spaces that allow sharing and interaction with multiple streams of visual data at every level (from anywhere and from any device), are becoming quite popular too. The performance of these rooms can be optimisd by making sure that each participant in the team is fully engaged.

Advance Social Technologies Enable Enhanced Collaboration

While many standalone apps are still using ‘silo approach’ for workplace collaboration, software like Weavy are adopting sophisticated use of advanced social technologies to take the organisational collaboration to new heights.
Source: Weavy
According to Dom Price, the Head of Research & Development department at Atlassian, state that in 90% organisation, team-based solutions seem necessary to overcome complex business issues. The tech-centered business these days are working on ‘systems of engagement’ instead of ‘systems of record’.
Cloud computing has made it possible to build and maintain a remote database with which all the team members can interact easily, and the cloud based tools are now an integral part of business operations.

Experts and Mentors Can Help More People Online

There are real experts and mentors and there are AI experts and mentors that can handle client queries or help employees in accomplishing their tasks online – and it is increasingly becoming difficult to know which is which. Now, AI experts can offer you quick solutions to everyday business situations and retrieve necessary data and stats for you while real experts can offer mentoring to the newbies across the globe and assist them in learning how the organisation works and how they can add value to the company.
These experts can also train the new employees from wherever they are using innovative collaboration tools. Every video conferencing tool these days (like Skype and Hangouts) has a built-in whiteboard tool that can be used to explain the workflows through diagrams.
Virtual tools also enable the experts to create a virtual ‘open door policy’ where anyone can access them, ask them anything, or offer ideas and opinions. In this way, all employees in an organisation can feel seen and heard and valued – motivating them to work harder for the company.

Lastly, the most interesting aspect of collaboration in workplaces is that it allows companies to spread across the globe. In MNCs where many employees are working at remote locations, companies sometimes organise all-paid vacations and official cohorts – where staff of one office flies to another country to meet the employees there. These official meetings and vacations allow the employees of an organisation to mingle together in a formal as well as informal environment from time-to-time. As expected, such endeavours result in better and stronger work relationships and it becomes easier and more fun for the employees to collaborate with each other.
Originally Published:


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