Know about Alliteration
Alliteration in Writing Writing involves different forms and concepts and sometimes it can be difficult to get the hang of each type. Take alliteration for example which is often an important part of creative writing and is required in certain papers and essays . Many students face problems trying to understand different sort of alliterations and their required usage. In case you are facing issues trying to decipher this topic then this blog will help you get a good insight. What is Alliteration? Alliteration is a writing technique that involves the successive repetition of the initial consonant sounds. In simple terms, this is when in a sentence; the beginning sounds of words are repeated. A good example of this is the famous song ‘Human Nature’ by Michael Jackson. The lyrics of the song ‘sweet seducing sighs and electric eyes are everywhere’ are a good example of alliteration technique applied in writing phrases. The first letter in each of the words of bot...