15 Career Lessons Everyone must Follow in their 30s
About the Author: Being
an academic writer since a decade, John Smith loves to share his knowledge and
experiences through enriched blogs. He is top assignment helper at Online Dissertation help company and loves to travel across the globe for gaining a knowledge on different
While in your 30s you may be driven about paving your own path or carving your niche, focusing on what works for you.
Or, you may not be all
for putting every little goal of yours within specific timelines. In fact,
there are hundreds of things you don’t have to accomplish by 30 (or
40, or 50, or ever...).
But when it is about
your career, there are some things that need sorting out, and getting started
with them sooner always work well for you in the long run. Not because some
career expert emphasizes that you must act before its late, but simply because of
your professional prospects, and also daily responsibilities at work would be a
whole lot easier to carry out.
1. Understand what your weaknesses are
While it’s always
beneficial to determine what you’re efficient at, you
must also try and figure out from early on about the things you’re not so great
at. This is necessary to help you understand how you can make the best use of
your skill sets and who should you work with to complement the skills and
brings in the best results on the table.
2. Know how you can delegate the work
Nobody is infallible, and
if you think you could accomplish everything on your own, then you are probably
delusional. As you climb the ladder of your career, you will have to learn to
differentiate between the things you should be investing your time on and the
things you should leave to others.
And even more
significantly, you should be able to figure out when you can bring in the other
staff members, your partners, or colleagues to carry out specific work.
3. Made a mistake? Take it in your stride!
Even the mightiest
superheroes have shortcomings. You may have had a sterling record as an employee,
but the chances are that you mightstumble multiple times in the course of your
career. And that is just an integral part of your professional growth. Do you
think Elon Musk or Sunder Pichai didn’t have their share of bad days? So you
too can have the scope to take lessons (valuable lessons) from your mistakes and
emerge as a refined version of yourself which will ensure your professional
4. Supervise a campaign or a project
While this isn’t
essential and not necessarily applicable in every instance, it would be helpful
for you to have an opportunity to supervise a campaign or a project by the time
you're on the verge of stepping into the 30s, as it will propel your professional
and personal growth in the correct direction. Irrespective of the outcomes, it
is the experience of handling this responsibility, which will allow you to
achieve a greater position in the near future.
5. Feel free to step over your comfort zone
It’s probably said a
million times, but the magic does happen when you step out of your comfort
zone. While people in their 20s tend to be experimental and dabble
into many activities at once, they are still in the process of metamorphoses
and yet to be disjointed from their cocoons before developing the wings they
need to forge ahead.
For people who are
about to hit the 30 mark, it’s time to explore unchartered territories beyond
their comfort zone, specifically for their career growth.
6. Learn to say no
Learning to say no is
an ability that you have to master. More often than not, in an attempt to be on
the good books of your superiors and colleagues, we tend to bite off more than
we can chew. We even tend to tolerate what is commonly known as subtle
exploitation, just to avoid any consequences.
This is not only
stifling for you but also pernicious to the office environment in general. So,
you need to be firm to refuse, when you are being told to do something that
isn’t your responsibility, to begin with.
7. Don’t push yourself too far
Amidst all the lofty,
inspirational blogs and articles that constantly encourage to ‘hustle', you
need to keep in mind that working in your 30s means you should have a clear
idea of how far you’re willing to push yourself to accomplish your career
goals. Overworking or a burnout does not deserve glorification since the
consequences of it will be even harder to live with.
8. Think about the long-term gains
When you step into the
30s, you should have enough clarity to determine the long-term benefits of your
profession wherever it’s applicable. There is no point continuing with a
dead-end job if it doesn’t let you enjoy enough opportunities that boost your
professional growth in the next five years. Thinking about it early on will
always help to decipher what works best for your career prospects.
9. Your professional reputation should be your
In an age of shares,
likes and follows, it’s exceedingly difficult to keep your personal life under
wraps. However, it’s best not to get carried away and post a dozen pictures while
using the social media at a point in your life. Because you wouldn’t want your colleagues,
clients, and bosses to get the wrong ideas about your abilities.
So it’s always advised
to practice a little caution when your reputation is on the line, a little bit
recklessness may cost you dearly.
10. Create an impressive portfolio
This is not only for
the novices looking to get a foothold in the corporate world. You must always
endeavour to keep your portfolio updated, just in case your present job isn’t
satisfying enough or even if you have to prove your capability to undertake a
promising project. ‘Pitching’ is a word which in every aspect is vital for your
professional life.
11. Gain experience outside of your area of work
Typically, a
30-something professional has a much wider range of experience than the 20-something.
While there have been instances where individuals have continued their first
jobs for decades at a time, you should gather as much experience as you can, in
areas beyond your line of work. This will only strengthen your credibility.
Read Full Blog here: https://www.bloglovin.com/@johnsmithuk859/15-career-tips-you-should-follow-by-time
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